diabetes, infertility, PCOS, support, trying to conceive

Social Distancing…Covid-19 Style.

Hello my lovelies,

I feel like I start off every blog by saying, “WOW, I haven’t blogged in a while.” Or something similar. I keep telling myself that I’m going to get better about it but I guess I don’t know what to say because we don’t have a lot going on right now. We were or I was taking some time off just for my own emotional wellbeing. Then Will started having issues with regulating is diabetes and blood sugar and I felt that was A LOT more important. A friend suggested a new doctor who accepted us. We love him, he set Will up with a plan and things were going well then Will didn’t have insurance for a month or so because he switched jobs. THEN we kind of had to start over again with his meds once the new insurance kicked in. So now Will is doing ok, taking his meds, being as sassy as ever…

THEN Covid-19 happened. First my doctors office stated that of course fertility services were non-essential. If you are already in a cycle they were working with each client individually to figure out what the next best steps would be depending where you were in the cycle. I hadn’t started a cycle at the time so I was just thought to wait, which of course I was ok with. I transitioned to working from home mid-March so of course that was an adjustment. My fertility doctors office kept in touch with me about what my options were. I can now continue or start a cycle if I would like but if I decided to go that route I would have to sign a waiver. We kept going back and forth about doing that. But honestly with everything that is going on right now maybe it’s a good time to just wait and see what happens.

I’m still working from home. We are just taking things day by day. I’m of course still taking my meds and supplements as I normally would and just waiting to see when things are going to open up so that we can get out and do things. Will and I have really tried to take the social distancing seriously because he has diabetes and I have asthma. On top of having asthma the whole Covid-19 stuff started at a time of the year here where plants, trees, grass, etc are starting to bloom. Of course I have so many allergies I’m always miserable this time of year, this year has definitely been harder.

How are you guys managing with social distancing and Covid-19?

I’ve got to tell ya guys and gals it has definitely been an adjustment. I try to be thankful and grateful. I am able to work from him, I’m moderately healthy, things are going ok.

Stay safe and distant my lovelies! 🙂



The Holden’s 🙂

diabetes, healthy, infertility, marriage, PCOS, support, trying to conceive

Switching Gears/Support

Once again I’ve gotten lax about posting updates. It happens from time to time with adulting, life, etc. Sometimes you just have to take some time to re-evaluate things. Also honestly there’s nothing to update.

Right now we are switching gears and I’m trying my hardest to be there and be strong for Will as he’s always done for me. We’ve gotten lax with managing his diabetes and that is so much more important. His numbers are higher than they should be so we need to get them down. That’s our focus right now.

We also took a much needed vacation, visited family, relaxed, and watched Will’s best friend of 15+ years marry the most amazing woman. The area and wedding were beautiful. We had some time to de-stress, reconnect, and unwind. Will was the best man and also sang Heaven by Kane Brown for the first dance, so we had a lot going on.

I don’t really like to do fertility stuff during the holidays because they can be stressful enough on their own, so we probably won’t start back until January. BUT we will be back stronger than ever. We aren’t completely stopping but we aren’t really trying. I’ll still be doing updates. We are about to change up our eating habits and start a diet, I’m trying some different types of PCOS management, etc.

We are around and doing a lot. I’ll be posting food, recipes, etc. I’ll post some of those things here and on the Instagram @holden_ontohope.

Will and I love you all mucho mucho!


The Holden’s 🙂